News ID: 3253
Publish Date : 09 September 2018 - 08:00

Unknown Equation of Car Pricing

Since the beginning of the current year, the National Competition Council is no longer responsible for determine vehicle pricings and the demand of the car market determine the final price of the vehicles. Almost half of the year is passed now and considering the unrest of the turbulent car market, the question is, how the unknown vehicle pricing is going to affect the car market?
Khodrocar – It is almost a decade that the National Competition Council is responsible for pricing of the vehicles below 45 million Tomans. The question is considering the market, should the National Competition Council still be the organization in charge of determining vehicle pricings of the Consumers and Producers Protection Organization?

In the beginning of the current year, the National Competition Council was told to determine new prices for the vehicles in proportion to turbulence of the exchange rate until middle of the May. It took it way longer until the middle of June. The council permitted car makers to increase their price between 7.5 to 15 percent. After that the council has been silent by far.

With the silence of the council it was the demand of the market and the power of the dealers that caused council to lose control over the vehicles under its pricing wings because of the daily increment of price of the vehicles in the market.
The council broke silence after two months when the two main car makers of Iran started to presale 90 thousand vehicles to balance the price in the car market. The council set a meeting with the managers of the two car makers. 

Consumers and Producers Protection Organization Replaces National Competition Council?
"There are no talks regarding the replacement of National Competition Council in the commission but there are people who agree with the replacement and some are not.” Said Saeid Bastani, a member of the Industries and Mine commission of the cabinet.

"According to the law, it is still the National Competition Council who is responsible for the pricing of the vehicles but the Consumers and Producers Protection Organization is very eager to take over that responsibility.” Added Bastani.

Khodrocar – The car market of the country is now facing serious troubles. It is better to determine who is going to be the price caller in the market very soon.

Khodrocar Journalist: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Mostafa Anisi